• Store type:
    Jewelry & Watches
Established in Hong Kong in 1963, the Stelux Group, owner of City Chain brand, started business initially as a watch component manufacturer exporting stainless steel watch parts overseas.The Group is principally engaged in the retailing of mid-range priced watch and optical products under the respective brand names: “CITY CHAIN,” “OPTICAL 88”, "eGG" in Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland China and Southeast Asia. With over 600 stores in our network, they are presently the largest watch and optical retail chain brand within the region and together with our watch wholesale business have the biggest exposure to the mass consumer market.

In 1985, Stelux established City Chain in Hong Kong creating an entirely innovative watch retailing culture. Targeting middle-income consumers, City Chain introduced multi-branded and contemporary lifestyle watches with fixed selling prices under a single watch retail store, fundamentally moving watch retailing away from the traditional department store counter. Since then, City Chain has grown from strength to strength and now commands a regional presence with nearly 400 stores in Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Mainland China. City Chain stores carry a myriad of trend setting brands from agency brands to their very own house brands, like our own well-known Solvil et Titus. In 2002, City Chain was named a "Hong Kong Superbrand." There are about 40 City Chain stores in Singapore.

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