Izod is known for its dressy-casual clothing and sportswear for men and women. Izod also sells footwear and accessories. Part of Phillips-Van Heusen Company, Izod is headquartered on Madison Avenue, New York City. 
Izod is best known for its short-sleeved Piqué polo shirt featuring the Lacoste crocodile on the left breast of the shirt. That logo has been replaced with a color-matching/coordinating crest and left sleeve embroidery and the "IZ" patch. This shirt, along with Ralph Lauren Polo, was a fashion core-piece in the 1970s and '80s for the preppy upper-class sets.
Other Izod classics are the Harrington jacket G-9 model, andVee-neck, and cardigan Izod sweaters.
Launched in 1938, Izod has grown considerably to include luxury brands like the 'blue label' of tailored clothing, sportswear, activewear, and fragrances, to leather goods. Izod outlet stores and fine department stores carry Izod stock.

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