• Store type:
    Women’s Wear/Men’s Wear/Children's Shoes & Clothes/Shoes/Lingerie & Swimwear
Cotton On is an Australian retailer, known for its fast-fashion clothing for men, women, teenagers and children. The company was established by Nigel Austin in 1991 in Geelong, Australia, at the time it only sold women's clothing. The original Cotton On offer has developed to intimates, sleepwear and activewear with Cotton On Body, children’s fashion with Cotton On Kids, footwear with Rubi shoes, and gifts and stationery with Typo.

The design team in the company's Australian office controls the steps of production from merchandise planning to establishing specifications, and production is outsourced to approximately 150 factories in Europe and Asia. These facilities are used for horizontal division of labor rather than being integrated.

In 2013, Cotton On acquired Australian fast-fashion brand Supré and planned to expand the brand internationally. It has almost 1200 shops in 12 countries and employs 17,000 personnel in Australia and internationally. There is 20 Cotton on stores in Singapore under the brands Cotton On, Cotton On Body, Cotton On Kids, Rubi shoes and Typo.

Store type:
Women’s Wear/Men’s Wear/Children's Shoes & Clothes/Shoes/Lingerie & Swimwear
  • Singapore
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