Auchan refused to place the goods of the traditional groups to provide more space for food in the new store.
French grocery retailer Auchan opened the first “hypermarket of the future.” The store acts as the anchor tenant of the new Cloche d’Or shopping and entertainment center in Luxembourg, which is owned by the development company Ceetrus, part of the Auchan group. The total area of the shopping mall is 75,000 square meters, and among the tenants - 130 shops and 20 cafes and restaurants.
Auchan leased about 12,000 square meters in the shopping center Cloche d'Or for it's new «life store» concept. The retailer promises buyers a qualitatively new format of shopping, combining the sale of food and beverages with the organization of specialized services and events with the participation of nutritionists, as well as the services of a personal assistant and advice to fitness trainers.
"Auchan of the future" hypermarket combines three conceptual shopping areas - food, beauty and health products, and household goods. The store located in such a way that access to it is open from any part of the shopping center. In the hypermarket placed four entrances and five exits, each of which has its cashier zone.
In the new store, Auchan refused to place the goods of the traditional “books” and “fashion” groups for the hypermarket to provide more space for food products, including organic products and an expanded range of wines. Also, Auchan refused to sell in a tobacco product store, which is especially popular among tourists in Luxembourg.
The company expects that the store of the future in Luxembourg will become a new point of attraction and in three years will provide traffic of 2.6 million people and revenue of 131 million euros. According to Cyril Driesen, CEO of Auchan Luxembourg, when creating the concept of a new store, the company tried to adapt to the needs of all groups of customers - from office workers to families and guests from neighboring countries.
5 JUNE 2019,