Mall of America offers virtual meetings with Santa Claus and Elves

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Santa Claus unsplash

During the quarantine, families can’t meet with Santa and participate in traditional festive events, so why not do it virtually. Mall of America, one of the world’s largest shopping centers, offers an unusual New Year surprise to those who want to come from different countries.

Families with children of any age will be able to visit the virtual Candy Cane Institute, a specially opened shopping center. During December, visitors to the mall’s official site will have the opportunity to reserve 10-minute time intervals for the virtual adventure. 

Mall of America

The visitor’s experience will be interactive: in an unforgettable tour, guests will have a chance to talk with Santa and elves and participate in studies. Such as determining the best design of a New Year sweater or the size of lollipops. As a result, guests will help the North Pole inhabitants find out the holidays’ true meaning. 

As reported on this fairytale organization’s real official website, Candy Cane Institute was created in 1972 by the design company Hotopp Associates in partnership with the shopping center Mall of America. Thanks to this experience in 2020, the mall plans to open the Candy Cane Institute in a live version next holiday season if the situation with the pandemic allows it. 

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