The internet has made it possible for buyers to shop smarter and obtain the items they want based on their needs and not simply on the price. This new method of shopping will only become better as the years go by. What was a good store in the 2000s is different to the idea of a good store today. Changes have had to be made to allow for gender, economic circumstances and technology.
Malls.Com made predictions about the potential changes due to affect both online and in-store shopping.
The malls of the future will be functional lifestyle centers. Visitors will have the opportunity to view general merchandise, electronics and apparel options, along with fitness centers, luxury spas, medical services and grocery stores. Visitors will make use of malls not only for shopping, but also for entertainment and to relax.
Stores in malls have the opportunity to interact with consumers in ways that are not available online. Retailers in malls are able to offer a face-to-face service and interact not only with shoppers, but also with the community. Many shoppers love seeing and touching potential purchases, as well as becoming aware of what is new and available.
To achieve real-life retailing, Westfield Labs intend launching a new concept in their San Francisco Centre. The concept is called Bespoke and is a combination of demonstrations, event spaces and coworking. One of its main elements is pop-up, rentable space, which can be rented temporarily by fashion retailers, rather than signing a lease for several years. This will allow customers to experience the retailer’s product, without the retailer having to bear the costs of traditional stores. It will also allow malls to introduce something new on a regular basis, prompting customers to return to the center.
There are online stores, such as Frank & Oak, that are considering a move into brick and mortar stores. This is mainly for it to be used as a marketing opportunity. Their aim is to create a store where customers can experience their brand, as well as making it a social gathering arena. They will incorporate coffee shops and social gatherings in their stores.
Instant gratification
Instant gratification is high on every shopper’s list. Instacart is a delivery business, which was founded in San Francisco. It believes that stores from Whole Foods to Costco will look at same-day delivery services, which will allow them to get groceries to their customers within hours, not days.
Homemade goods are appealing and offer consumers an exclusive brand. The movement of handmade and homemade goods is evident in farmers markets. By eliminating the middle man, farmers or manufacturers can not only sell their wares, but also make a profit. This shift can be seen on Etsy, which is an online site where people sell and buy goods made by artisans.
This type of market appeals to those who are nostalgic about timeless, pure products.
Tailored apparel
The future factory for apparel is compact and robotic, as can be seen by the body scanners that are linked to machines which cut, stitch and glue. This opens a door to the future where a combination of a personal shopping robot which has access to our measurements will eliminate the guesswork of purchases. It will provide us with uniformity and customization.
The first method is already in use with smartphones linking shoppers to a wide world of digital e-commerce. The second will be retail that comes to the consumer. This can be achieved by a farmers market which operates once or twice a week in a specified area, or by a newer peddler’s wagon which finds consumers on the street corner, at the football match or on the beach.
Retail will change dramatically over the next three decades, but it makes for exciting shopping experiences. We will still be shopping as we do now, but the methods will have changed dramatically.