The new Walmart Health is the fourth self-contained center to open outside of Georgia. It is located in northwest Arkansas, next to the existing Walmart Super Center in Springdale.
From the first three Walmart Health centers, the new center, where customers can receive a range of basic health services, is much smaller. The first three centers are approximately 10,000 sq. feet in size. The new Walmart Health will be a prototype center with improved services and layout while being smaller in size.
At Walmart Health Centers — usually located near the chain’s hypermarkets — visitors can get help in urgent cases, or they can apply for simple medical procedures, and a list of services, including mental health, is planned to be added to the list of services and dental procedures. At the same time, Walmart’s orientation to low prices is maintained and for Walmart Health, customers are promised transparency and low prices, regardless of the availability and type of insurance.
The new center will differ significantly from its predecessor. In its creation, the wishes of users were taken into account. Specifically, it will have a vision test center, a more modern pharmacy, and a department for children. The center is equipped with the most modern technological developments, including interactive screens.
Despite its smaller size, the new Walmart Health center is a sample of a truly innovative project. According to the company, the creation of such centers will allow providing affordable and quality medical services to the population, while solving the pressing problems of the healthcare system.