Using Amazon and Twitter’s shopping cart

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If you see an Amazon product link while on Twitter, it can be added to your shopping simply by responding to the tweet by using hashtag #AmazonCart. For this to be usable, your Amazon and Twitter accounts must be connected.  This can be done at  Once you have replied to a specific link, the item will appear in your Amazon cart.  You will receive an email and a tweet regarding the addition to your cart.

This service will initially only be available to users in the US and UK (the hashtag here is #AmazonBasket).

The hashtag system may be easy to use, but it can be viewed as a public broadcast of what you want to buy and free advertising for Amazon by you and all your tweets.

Lightning deals will not work very well with these hashtags.  Amazon offers discount price products for a limited time period under lightning deals.  If you use a link to a Lighting Deal with the country specific hashtag, it will not be automatically placed in your shopping cart.  

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