‘Showrooming’ is not a threat as young people return to physical stores

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A 20-year old Best Buy shopper, Ariana Kemp, stated that she hates waiting for her online purchases to arrive, so she may as well go and check in-store. Kemp has Best Buy, Forever 21 and other retail store apps on her smartphone, but made the decision to collect a pair of headphones in-store because it was a faster process.
Gallup has posted data which indicates that almost one third of those aged between 18 and 29 visit retail locations more often than in the past, even though online resources have increased.
Lynn Kahle, a Professor of Marketing from the University of Oregon stated that although internet-based platforms provided consumers the opportunity to do comparisons, they often have a desire to see and touch potential purchases.
An app developer, Talbot-Minkin, has stated that buying online may be better, but if a consumer is unsure, they will more than likely visit the store.

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