Rossmann is a nationwide chain of German chemists. The founder of the company is Dirk Rossmann, who by opening his first store in 1972 in Hanover became a pioneer of the conception of self-service chemist supermarkets. In 1993 he began the expansion to countries of Central Europe.  It includes 11,000 chemists in 33 countries in Europe and Asia. Its domestic detergents-cosmetic business market share is 22%. Rossmann Poland is a part of the capital-purchasing group composed of Rossmann GmbH and A.S. Watson. 

The product range includes 15,500 products. These are both products of first-class international as well as Polish companies. The emphasis is on hair and body care, decorative cosmetics, perfumes, baby food and attention, hygiene products, as well as detergents and cleaning agents. Organic products, wine, tea, wellness products, fitness products, books, small appliances and jewelry, as well as stationery, private household goods, and toys round off our multifaceted product range.

The company has been active on the Polish market for 19 years and had a total of 900 stores in 380 towns.  The number of stores in Poland should reach a total of 1,000 by the end of 2014. Rossmann is present both in biggest cities’ shopping centers as well as in towns. The chemists can be found in such prestigious locations as Krupówki in Zakopane, Bohaterów Monte Cassino in Sopot or at ul. Floriańska in Cracow.

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