New restrictions have been imposed on shopping malls in Dubai

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Dubai Mall - Khaleej Times

The new measures, adopted by Dubai’s Higher Crisis and Disaster Management Committee, were taken in response to the ongoing situation with COVID-19. Simultaneously, it was decided not to close the establishments but to limit their activities somewhat. For example, shopping malls should operate at 70% of their capacity. The same applies to hotel establishments, swimming pools, and beaches. Cinemas, theaters, entertainment, sports, and other closed institutions must operate at 50% of their capacity. 

Restaurants and cafes will have to close by 1 a.m. They will also not be allowed to hold any entertainment events on their premises. As for pubs and bars, they will be closed altogether. 

The number of people permitted to sit at one table has been reduced from ten to seven in restaurants and four in cafes. Attendance at weddings, social events, and private parties, whether they are held in a hotel or at home, is now limited to relatives of the first degree of kinship. The maximum number of guests should not exceed 10.

Simultaneously, the committee promised that there would be intensive campaigns to monitor compliance with safety precautions and safety protocols, including physical distancing and wearing face masks. The public was urged to report any violations observed, using any means of communication to do so. Severe penalties would be imposed on anyone found to pose a public health risk, whether it was done knowingly or accidentally.

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