The central markets of EU increased market share by 68%, beating the previous year’s index of 60% for the same quarter. The smaller markets, including Spain, Austria, Italy, Ireland and the Netherlands, are not really lagging behind triggering growth in this sector as well.
Shopping centers and malls offer a lure opportunity for investors, as demonstrated by recent Chinese and Malaysian interest in the UK market, showing that large-scale projects are in the greatest need. Most of the investors center their attention on shopping mall sector, private internal and international investment groups show a lot of interest toward core high streets, as well as retail warehousing is witnessing a growing demand from local and European companies.
The market activity in Central and Eastern Europe, Poland and the Czech Republic showed promising results Q1 2013, although, Russian economy was somewhat negatively affected due to unrest in Ukraine. Anyway, according to Hutchings: “Central & Eastern Europe is likely to be increasingly on the agenda as investors look for the next market to bounce. Poland and the core Central European markets will be in the vanguard but interest is already starting to emerge in smaller markets in the Baltic’s and Balkans and Turkey looks likely to be a key benefactor by year end.”
The on-growing retail spending will encourage further increase yin the economy promoting higher demand for supplies from local international manufacturers resulting in the boost of retail industry.