Liebrecht & wooD: official opening of the A2 highway access to the future Cernica Park retail scheme

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The solution – fully financed by the developer – provides the residents of Cernica, Fundeni and the whole Calarasi area with comfortable access to the highway, as well as broadens the possibilities for further expansion and economic growth of the suburban areas of Bucharest. With 200 million euro invested so far in Romania, Liebrecht & wooD is now on its way towards developing a new landmark retail destination – Cernica Park.

The 4 kilometer road has been constructed by Liebrecht & wooD Group in cooperation with the local authorities of Cernica and Fundeni part of Calarasi County, and the relevant regulatory authorities, including National Companyof Motorwaysand National Roads (CNADNR), Bucharest Region Directorateof Roads and Bridges (DRDP), Romanian Waters National Administration (ANAR), and Water Management System (SGA). Thanks to the road’s completion, inhabitants of surrounding locations can now enjoy a 30 minute reduction in their travel time to the city center. In the future, the road will also guarantee a smooth access to Cernica Park – a retail scheme with a total investment value of approx. 110 million euro.

The road, valued at 5 million euro, is a perfect example of Liebrecht & wooD’s vision on comprehensive real estate development, created with carefulconsideration of the environment and the users to ensure harmonious integration of all. We are delighted that local authorities share this idea. The dedicated traffic solution constitutes the first stage of development of Cernica Park – an extraordinary place on the retail map of Romania and a significant spot on the European map of Liebrecht & wooD Group’s properties,” – stated Patrick Van Den Bossche, Managing Director of Liebrecht & wooD Group.

An efficient traffic solution integrated into a local and regional network constitutes an essential part of every modern suburban real estate development in Europe. As the Romanian capital city is growing out of its current borders, locations like Cernica or Fundeni are also on the rise, especially in terms of residential real estate development. We are proud to pioneer an ambitious plan of expanding the Bucharest metropolitan area and to create a sustainable well-balanced urban structure. Our Cernica Park – based on a concept of a so-called ‘power center’ – provides the area with all necessary amenities that will improve the life comfort of its inhabitants and guarantees convenient road access and no parking problems to both local and city center customers,” – added Patrick Van Den Bossche.

Cernica Park will not be just a shopping center, but also a visionary, large-scale investment stimulating economic growth and creating job opportunities in the area. It has all prerequisites to become an ideal and easily accessible place for frequent shopping and recreation for residents of surrounding towns, including Bucharest and even Constanța, serving over 3 million people within a 90 minute drive.

We are delighted to inaugurate the new road which provides local commuters with easier everyday access to their households, work places, schools and other facilities. It’s been a privilege for us to be a part of this project and we hope that this is the beginning of a long-term collaboration. The partnership with Liebrecht & wooD reinforces the growth potential of the location and offers the residents a pronounced variety of opportunities in the near future,
– said Gheorghiță Cărtușanu, Mayor of Fundeni.

Cernica Park is to be developed on a 34ha site, part of a 60ha plot owned by Liebrecht & wooD Group, and combines a mix of retail functions, including a FASHION HOUSE Outlet Centre, a hypermarket, a traditional shopping gallery, DIY and furniture stores, a sporting goods store and many others. The project will offer a total of 88,000 sqm of retail space extendable to 100,000 sqm with over 3,500 parking places, designed with great attention to the quality of architecture, landscaping and greenery. The project is scheduled to be started up in 2016.

Being able to support the Cernica Park project is a great opportunity for us and we are very happy to participate in the inauguration of the new road. These types of projects are a necessity in our area and we are delighted that Liebrecht & wooD decided to invest in such a substantial plan. We are sure that Cernica Park will be much more than a shopping center; it will be the main vector in the area for work places and easy access to the A2 highway and to the Bucharest beltway,” – said Gelu Apostol, Mayor of Cernica

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