To find out which supermarket chain is cheaper, analytics track the prices of 45 of the most popular products like bread, eggs, and Knorr stock cubes in various outlets for 100 days. They calculated the average cost of a notional cart containing all of these products.
As a result, the cheapest was recognized supermarket chain Lidl. In them, this cart’s cost was on average 42.67 pounds, And this is the lowest indicator – as a result of which the supermarket chain Lidl managed to achieve the title of the cheapest, ahead of Aldi outlets. However, the latter lagged behind their main competitor by only 34 pence.
The third place went to Asda supermarkets. And in this case, the difference was much more noticeable – the average cost of a grocery shopping cart here was 48,71 pounds, which is almost 5 pounds more.
The most expensive supermarkets in the country were recognized by Waitrose (the study affected eight chains, whose supermarkets are available in the UK). Here the average cost of 45 items was £ 68.69 – about 60% or £ 26.02 more than in a similar store in Lidl.