Esta Construction has been signed as a general contractor responsible for building and engineering maintenance of the project. The modern project with a GBA more than 120,000 sq m is scheduled to be opened on Yaroslavskoye highway in Q4 2018.
Shopping and entertainment center Aquarelle will appear on the evening side of the road in Pushkino neighborhood – one of the most densely populated in Moscow region. It has great dynamics of the new residential blocks and areas construction while there is the high demand on contemporary shopping & entertainment centers and much low supply. The catchment area comprises such towns of Moscow region as Ivanteevka, Krasnoarmeysk, Korolev and administrative center of the district – Pushkino city.
The new shopping & entertainment shopping center will comprise the shopping galleries with famous international & local brands in mid-price segment, multiplex cinema operated by MORI CINEMA as well as favorite café & restaurant chains and fast food concepts. With 48,000 sq m of GLA, there will be more than 100 shops anchored by Auchan (17,000 sqm hypermarket area) and stand-alone Baucenter DIY hypermarket (total area 19,000 sqm). For customers’ convenience, the new scheme allocates a surface parking for 2,600 lots.
The key features of the project will become family leisure & entertainment center Festival House, multifunctional pedestrian and current lifestyle routes as well as free socially-important services: baby care rooms, Wi-Fi, comfortable sitting areas, etc.
The new road infrastructure will be developed to guarantee the excellent access to the new shopping center by the public and private transport from every direction – the system of reversal overpasses and parallel roads to Yaroslavskoye highway.
Thierry Leconte, General Director Immochan Russia says: “For future development, we have chosen Pushkino district due to its densely population (more than 1.4 million of people in the catchment area) and active residential development. It is also important that our future shopping & entertainment center is located on the largest federal route in Russia – Yaroslavskoye highway (part of the M8 highway) with a weekly flow of more than 400,000 vehicles. The mission of our company is to construct comfortable and eco-friendly modern shopping centers created for the harmonious life. To achieve best results we engaged international professional companies: leading European specialists developed architectural and interior design – Broadway Malyan and iD WAD, for construction and engineering we have chosen an experienced and reliable general contractor – ESTA Construction, a company that builds remarkable properties around the world. Considering all the factors mentioned above, we are launching the construction of Aquarelle Pushkino SEC with impressive results, showing that our concept is highly demanded by the retail community – more than 75% of retail spaces have already been leased. We are obliged to our tenants for the confidence and promise to fulfill our commitments in full and on time”.