IKEA launches collection service from Tesco carparks

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IKEA cooperates with British grocery giant Tesco, launching a new service of collecting orders through parkings in the partner’s hypermarkets. The first pilot points are located in Blackburn – the official launch will take place on October 10.

The project will also be rolled out at Tesco’s parking lots in Doncaster, Cambridge, Dereham, Bolton, Stockport and Liverpool. The decision to scale the project can be made after the end of the test period.

The project, called ‘Collect Near You’, aims to provide customers with a ‘convenient and affordable’ service to pick up orders of goods from IKEA stores across the UK.

As part of the service, IKEA customers have the opportunity to pick up items in the Tesco parking lot for free if the order is worth £200 or more. Otherwise, the cost of delivery is £10.

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