IKEA game will fight domestic inequality

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Ikea FiftyFifty game

Especially for March 8, IKEA introduced an unusual game that anyone can play on the brand’s Instagram Stories. The game is called FiftyFifty and is best played in pairs. Players do not have to be a couple; it can be two people living together for any reason – roommates, friends on a trip.

The main idea of the game was to fight inequality in the distribution of household chores. On International Women’s Day, IKEA calls to mind that most household chores are still left on women’s shoulders, and in many ways, the pandemic has only reinforced this trend. A fairer fifty-fifty division of household chores on a household scale could eventually lead to greater equality worldwide as well. At least, that is the ambitious goal of the game’s creators. 

FiftyFifty is a digital card game. Launching its first-ever game on IKEA’s Instagram Stories, users see a deck and are prompted to call their partner for the next steps. When the next card opens, users see a new question like “Name the best and worst household chores,” “Did you know that women around the world do three times as many unpaid household chores?” or “Which one household task could I do more of?” 

The game’s goal is not to win but for couples to have a frank conversation without slipping into conflict. The set of questions was developed in collaboration with relationship expert Jenny Miller. The assumption is that by answering these questions, frankly, the couple will understand the home dynamics better so they can then direct their efforts toward greater equality. 

IKEA has enlisted Swedish singer and gender equality activist Zara Larsson to promote the game. She is presenting the game in a series of promotional materials. On March 8, she will broadcast a live video about equality on her YouTube channel, where she will talk about the IKEA game and engage with viewers on similar issues.

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