Finland’s First Bicycle Parking Facility Will Open At Mall Of Tripla

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Pasila, the new centre of Helsinki is located in the intersection of the cycling route network crisscrossing the city. Opening in the autumn of 2019 in Pasila, Mall of Tripla will host Finland’s first parking facility dedicated to bicycles. In addition to parking, the cycling centre will have a vast selection of storage, repair and maintenance services for both cycling enthusiasts and more casual bicycle commuters.

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Currently, under construction in Pasila, Tripla has the best location in Finland when it comes to accessibility – also by bike. The city of Helsinki is developing the cycling route network, and Pasila is the hub where all these paths meet. Also, new services, offices, hotels, and apartments being constructed in Pasila will generate significant volumes of people in the future – and not only in the Finnish scale. Therefore, there is a huge need for bicycle parking and services in Pasila.

In 2019, Finland’s first bicycle parking facility will open at Mall of Tripla. The parking facility, with room for over a thousand bicycles, sets the pace for new cycling culture and strengthens the reputation of Helsinki as a bicycle-friendly city. All in all, Mall of Tripla will have parking for 3,500 bikes. Bike racks located near each entrance will ensure a smooth shopping experience no matter from which direction people arrive. Also, there will be secure indoor bicycle parking for longer-term storage. The storage needs of Tripla’s future residents have also been taken into account in the planning.
Cycling has increased its popularity in Finland in the recent years, and the enthusiasm seems to continue strong also in the future. This has caused a situation where the supply of cycling services has not been able to keep up with the demand. The service providers at Mall of Tripla’s cycling centre will answer the vast demand for their expertise and diverse solutions. 

In addition, the cycling centre will host a communal club for cyclists with cycling tours and extensive services for its members. The club will also offer social facilities and lounge areas for cyclists, who can in the future enjoy longer bike rides even before work thanks to the washing and storage facilities.

”The cycling concept of Mall of Tripla has been planned to meet the needs of everyone in Helsinki, considering all different target groups and their various needs. Bike services have a natural connection with the urban centre of Tripla, and they are also profitable business for the owners,” says Tomas Syrjänen, the father of the cycling concept and Account Manager at Mall of Tripla.

The new public transport station opening on the fourth floor of the Mall of Tripla will make Pasila the busiest transportation hub in Finland: approximately 200,000 people are expected to pass through Pasila every day. The new bicycle parking facility also enables smooth connecting traffic. It’s possible choose an agile mix of different modes of transport from public transportation, car traffic, and cycling – for various needs.

”We have thought about all possible target groups when planning Mall of Tripla: public transport users, motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists,” says Pirjo Aalto, Commercial Development Director, Mall of Tripla. “Mall of Tripla will meet all the needs that people might have in the future, and we wanted to make our urban centre as easily accessible as possible for everyone.” 

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