Dodo Pizza unveils it’s first fast-gourmet pizzeria in England

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Dodo Pizza Leamington Sign

Russian company Dodo Pizza has announced the opening of its first corporate pizzeria in the U.K. The restaurant in the new concept of “fast food” opened in Leamington Spa, a resort town in central England. 

According to the company’s press service, the establishment will operate only for delivery and takeout. The pizzeria will be the first in the U.K. market in which Dodo Pizza will work on its own, without involving franchisees. 

The company entered the U.K. market in 2017. To date, partner establishments of the Russian brand operate in Brighton, Coventry, and Walsall. The company plans to open up to 50 new restaurants in the kingdom by 2023. 

Dodo Pizza Leamington

The new pizzeria in Lemington Spa operates on a new concept involving Roman dough to make pizza. The company stresses that it plans to “build off of an unusual, higher-quality product.” In particular, the pizzeria will make pizza with lobster and mango. 

“Dodo” defines the new concept as fast-gourmet. This term combines the best elements of a high-quality, restaurant-quality product with fast delivery. The oven for a Roman pizza is 2.5 minutes, while a conventional pizza is 4.5 minutes. “Additionally, the delivery time can be reduced: the pizza will be delivered in less than 30 minutes,” commented the company. 

It is noted that you can place an order on the site or through a mobile application developed based on the Dodo I.S. platform. Dodo” has no plans to cooperate with local food delivery aggregators.

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