Carrefour has created a competitor to Amazon Go without cash registers and salespeople

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French grocery retailer Carrefour, one of the leaders in the global market, announced the opening of its first cashier-less store. According to Retail Detail, the supermarket operates on the principle of Amazon Go, allowing customers to shop without traditional cash registers. The store runs a system of sensors and cameras, and debits from the customer’s account are automatic. 

A new technological Carrefour has opened on the premises of Mall of Emirates Shopping and Entertainment Center in Dubai. Sensors and sensors and intelligent shelves replace traditional employees, tracking customers’ actions, starting from the entrance to the store. Almost one hundred cameras located around the perimeter of the mall ensure the work of this unusual store.

For Carrefour, this is not the first experience opening innovative technological stores that allow making purchases bypassing cash registers. But previously, the format involved customers scanning products themselves. The retailer finally introduced a fully automated system that provides shopping in a barrier-free environment in the Dubai supermarket. 

Customers who have installed Carrefour’s MAF mobile app for customer recognition on their smartphones can enter the supermarket. After purchases are made, the amount is automatically deducted from the account, and the customer receives an electronic receipt. It is how Amazon Go stores have operated for several years. Carrefour also plans to open several similar outlets in the UAE. 

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