Apple’s Senior Vice President of Retail Trade, Deirdre O’Brien, said that the company has no plans to reduce investment in the development of the Apple Store. And although the company’s online sales have recently increased significantly, the development of outstanding retail stores will not only not stop, but on the contrary – it will invest more.
In an interview with Germany’s Funke Mediengruppe, O’Brien said that Apple Stores, where visitors can shop and take a closer look at the brand’s creations, is very important. Although the company’s website is a great place to buy everything you need, visiting an Apple retail store is a unique and exciting experience.
Apple Stores are more than just a retail outlet. Thanks to their unique design, they often become an actual center for attracting tourists from different countries. Apple recently opened a new store on the historic Via del Corso in Rome. It is located in the old building Palazzo Marignoli, which was restored, preserving the original architecture. This Apple Store, for which a unique logo was even designed, ended up being the most iconic of the company’s stores. It’s a great example of how vital the retail industry is to Apple.
It should also be remembered that Apple Stores are outlets for Apple products and accessories and venues for various events and fan gatherings.