Amazon to squeeze local retailers in Poland

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Amazon plans to strengthen its market position in Poland by launching an additional local partner registration project in the coming months. According to e-pepper, the U.S. online retailer will synchronize the new portal with the platform for the German market, retaining all accounts and existing bonuses. 

Amazon has been operating in the Polish market since 2014. To date, the Internet giant’s work in the country is provided by nine logistics complexes and more than 18 thousand employees. Until 2021, domestic orders were placed through a platform created for the German market. 

Amazon’s expansion is a growing threat to local businesses, where the e-commerce leader is Allegro. According to independent estimates, it now owns about 36% of the Polish e-commerce market. 

Analysts say that with the launch of the new Amazon platform, Allegro will have to invest in developing various free shipping methods and strengthening its logistics capabilities. The latest round of pressure from Amazon on local players is expected to accelerate Poland’s e-commerce market. Russia’s largest marketplace, Wildberries, has been on the Polish market since early 2020. 

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