Amazon Opens Checkout-Free Amazon Go Grocery

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The largest online retailer Amazon opens to the public the world’s first “smart” store. Artificial intelligence will manage the supermarket: the new grocery store experience begins when customers walk through a turnstile and scan the Amazon Go app. The unique system follows that buyers take from shelves and return it. The cost of the purchases will be automatically charged from the credit card. There will be no sellers and no cash registers in the supermarket.

Amazon Opens Checkout-Free Amazon Go Grocery

Testing of the “smart” store started a year ago. The first technology experienced by employees of Amazon. Some experts were skeptical about such a project, pointing out that an automatic system can make thousands of Americans unemployed.

The Seattle location is placed within Amazon’s office building in the city, and the company isn’t confirming when it will expand Amazon Go to more cities. However, it did state that there are “no plans” to introduce the technology into Whole Foods, which it acquired in 2017. 

Amazon is one of the world’s largest online retailers. In addition to the USA, the company operates in Canada, China, Brazil, Japan and European countries. Internet-shop launched in July 1995.

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