In the United Arab Emirates, all shopping centers, product markets, and other commercial facilities are being prepared for closure. According to the Government Decree, the closure must take place within 48 hours of the Decree being issued. Restaurants in the United Arab Emirates will stop serving customers and will entirely switch to a delivery regime.
The United Arab Emirates Ministry of Health issued an official appeal on its official website: “The UAE has decided to close all commercial and shopping centers, fish, meat and vegetable markets for two weeks. According to the same decision, restaurants are no longer allowed to receive visitors”.
It is not yet known how long the ban on trade and restaurants in the UAE will last. In several countries, stores of the world’s largest brands have closed down at least until the end of March, or until a particular order in the case, the situation with the spread of the virus improves. As of March 23, 2020, 153 cases of Covid-19 infection were recorded in the UAE, 500 cases each in neighboring Qatar, and Saudi Arabia, while in Iran – more than 21,600.